Well, the news of no price increases has gone down well with the business community. We've been inundated with work on all sides, from loads of print and design for print for Rocket through to our sister company Paradox being snowed under with branding, websites, advertising work etc (see paradoxsolved.blogspot) .
Apart from starting to attract the interest of the Oil industry, work we've never particularly gone after, we've had a number of senior businesses suddenly expressing an interest in using our services.
It could be due to the AIFF work Paradox completed a couple of weeks ago (We were asked by a consortium of senior Aberdeen businessmen to rebrand the Aberdeen International Football Festival (one of the older ones in the world) and create a new ideolect and website.) . This high-profile job has been amazingly well received and is shooting up the rankings in Google.
Whatever it is, I'm not complaining...