Thursday, August 27, 2009

trying (or should that be tiring) times ...

In the run-up to our new light production machine coming in, we needed to get some changes made to our electrics. So the sparkie was called in (one of the better ones in Aberdeen) and the extra ring-thing was added with the increased amperage. While he was doing this, he accidentally tripped a circuit which provides for the servers. At this point we discovered that of all the UPS' we have, only one has a problem.. you've guessed it... the main one. Four hours later and we have finally reset all the various servers and got things running again. Technology, you 've got to love it ... ?

On a brighter note, we're expanding and taking over the unit next door for a meeting / chill room.

Monday, August 17, 2009

space - our current frontier....

We've ordered a new light production machine for the print side, all super -duper and weighing in at a cool 1/4 ton. Problem is the size... it's the size of a very small car, requiring special electrics and much-needed space.

On the bright side, there is a unit coming up for lease which may just suit our needs for more space.

Watch this space (sic transit) ......

Another name to remember...

It's been a while since I've had time to update the blog, so there will be a few in quick succession...

New face onboard ...Craig! He's a young lad who came here for a work placement and everyone liked him. We have been getting busier and busier on Saturdays (even though we're officially closed) so we asked him to come in to help man the phones, clean out computers etc. He's been doing it for over a month now and gets on really well....