Monday, November 7, 2011

Ooooh! 3 posts in one day...

We have decided that Karla is officially very trendy...

At 1.30 last Friday a new virus was discovered, and at 2.30 Karla just had to have it. So new they hadn't even named it ... It only took a rebuild to fix- c'est la vie!

And yet another new Face...

The artist known as Neil has come on board as a coder, taking up some of the slack from Keiran (in particular) and myself (the old git). He's only been here for a few weeks but is picking up our methodologies really well.

There's a new kid in town...

We have a new business development person in the shape of Emma Williams. Emma has had a broad experience in business development, but hasn't worked in our field before - so we've bombarded her with information over the last month. She seems to be handling it well and is coming very quickly up to speed.

Watch this space...