Friday, April 25, 2008

eh? what's that?

You know how it is - more haste, less speed - I stepped out of the shower this morning in a rush to get to my first meeting, had some water in my ear, so decided to remove it with a Q-tip ...... you guessed it! The Q-tip stayed inside the ear!

So off to A & E I went to get it removed, feeling like a small child who's stuck a bead up his nose. There the confused triage nurse thought I was saying I had a cue tip in my ear (a la snooker) and was busy trying to convince me my ear was too small and that it was all in my head .... which of course it was.....

If you're phoning in the next day or two, and you get myself (Dave) apologies in advance if I appear a bit deaf ....

Anyway, I'm not too deaf to hear what the clients wanted today. So another three websites are now in the pipeline, along with a pile more folders...What's happening with these? are people eating them? We've printed 1,000's of different folders recently. Must be our special prices for bespoke printing :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

it's all change ....

Sarah, our accountant and company secretary, has been lured to the deep south with a the offer of a most 'hush-hush' job. It will take the men in trenchcoats a few months to check her out. In the meantime, we have the less than easy job of finding a replacement for this invaluable member of staff, and colleague.

We need someone who can fill her shoes, and who can take the pace without too much hassle.

Interested? Email myself or Ian on to enquire more about this. We are willing to accept someone who can only work odd hours, or has small humans to pick up or whatever, providing you can have a laugh and fit in with the rest of the team.....

Monday, April 21, 2008

communications breakdown ......

We work in a communications industry ...or do we? Genius here just heard our designer Karla answer the phone and say that our new developer Keiran didn't work here..... Why? The genius had forgotten to inform anyone else on the staff that someone new had started ..... so whoever phoned up ...go back, but on another day, as it's a local holiday here ........ duh!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

welcome to .....

Kieran - our new database developer. He doesn't know what he's let himself in for .....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

we're moving ......

So it's finally pinned down. We're moving into the art gallery on Cotton Street in Aberdeen at the end of May. Tons to do, including getting the place wired up, and a full network installed. Also happening then is the move over to ecommerce on the sites, and the start of another new designer.

Add to this the fun of doing a large multi-media and content management project for Empire HR ( I think that's the month for 11,000 cds being delivered and handled by our new content and digital management company, and it will be a bit mad.